Representatives of the TRANSITION project have contributed to the preparation of a new publication analysing the inclusion of agroforestry systems in the Spanish CAP Strategic Plan 2023-27, among other national and regional plans and regulations. The work was carried out in the framework of the Spanish Agroforestry Policy Working Group, with the support of the Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) and the DigitAF project of the Horizon Programme.

Pillar I of the CAP, the European Commission’s Common Agricultural Policy, emphasises some good agricultural and environmental conditions relevant to agroforestry, such as the preservation of landscape features and the prohibition of conversion of permanent pasture in protected areas. Eco-schemes provide incentives, six of which are applicable to agroforestry.

One of the main conclusions of the publication is that the inclusion of agroforestry in Spain’s own CAP Strategic Plan signals a commitment to sustainable land management, and highlights that continued monitoring and targeted support are crucial to realising the potential of agroforestry across the country.

