The Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the University of Catania, partner of the TRANSITION Project, attended the “ECOMED” congress from the 19th to the 21st of April 2023 organised by Prof. Giuseppe Mancini. ECOMED is the first Green Expo focusing on the Mediterranean area, aiming to give a meeting point between demand and offer of ideas and technologies that can promote environmental sustainability.
As the TRANSITION project focuses on the use of best practices for sustainable agriculture, the aim was to show how this research group sees a possible future scenario for agriculture in Sicily. This event was a great opportunity to talk to farmers, companies, and associations who work in different sectors and levels and let them know what agroforestry is and how climate change can be faced. What was found was a lack of knowledge of these systems but at the same time a lot of interest.
Another congress attended by the University of Catania was the Mediterraria Expo, where Prof. Giorgio Testa gave a presentation about the TRANSITION project while Dr. Andrea Corinzia showed the development of crop models for agroforestry systems. The aim was to explain how the TRANSITION project can play a strategic role in the agriculture of the next decades. The increased interest in products obtained from organic and sustainable farms meets the objectives of the group role in TRANSITION which is the maintenance of the biodiversity typical of the area using systems that can keep high the carbon storage in the soil.
The aim is to participate again next year with the hope of giving good evidence of the work done.