The Transition project, an example of how to increase climate resilience in the Mediterranean Pavilion at COP27

A better adaptation of the agroforestry practices to the realities of the agricultural sector in the Mediterranean region could be a feasible solution to increase its climate resilience. This was one of the messages that were placed on the table at the “Alignment and contribution of agrifood business to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy and green circular economy” session, organized in the framework of the COP27.
Sergio Ponsá, director of the BETA Technological Centre, was one of the panel of experts who presented different points of view on measures that can be applied to agri-food systems to contribute to the region’s climate resilience. Part of his speech was dedicated to explaining the contribution of the Transition project, in which direct work with stakeholders is being carried out to identify real practices that help to adapt agroforestry practices to the Mediterranean realities, and how these practices can help agricultural systems to achieve a better balance.
For the first time in history, COP27 is hosting a Mediterranean Pavilion, seeking to highlight both the urgent challenges the region faces, and the innovative solutions already being developed. The Mediterranean Pavilion is a coalition of the Union for the Mediterranean, the PRIMA Foundation, and UNEP–MAP, along with a group of relevant organisations and a scientific committee, led by the Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) network.
Watch the session here: